About Gastroscopy
If your child has regular or ongoing discomfort or pain in their stomach, it could be due to a whole range of causes. A gastroscopy is a quick and painless procedure which uses an “endoscope” or thin tube with a camera at the end to examine the inside of different parts of the upper digestive system. The endoscope is also able to take samples of tissue for testing, making it particularly useful in diagnosing problems in the oesophagus, stomach, and/or start of the small intestine known as the duodenum.
What’s involved?
Your child will require a general anaesthetic to enable the endoscope to be easily guided into their throat. In most cases, you will be able to be with them until they are under anaesthetic. Dr McIntyre uses the camera to perform a visual examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract and is able to insert instruments into the endoscope to remove foreign objects, stop bleeding, or take samples for biopsy. Your child will be able to go home once they are awake and have recovered from the anaesthetic.
What to expect afterwards
Generally children will be well enough to go home after their procedure once they have been observed for a couple of hours and had something to eat or drink. Some children may experience a sore throat for a day or so after their gastroscopy which can be treated with paracetamol. Dr McIntyre will discuss the results with you and any follow up requirements. As with any medical procedure, if your child has a fever or appears seriously unwell afterwards, contact your doctor or go to the nearest hospital.